GE Sealants Re-New Product Launch


brand campaign, video, print, social, digital, in-store, website, influencer program
art director: moi
copywriters: Keat Powell and Jenna Layman
designers: Naomi Szczesiul and Gray Keith
production: Fenton Pictures
producer: Liz Stovall
director: David Walton Smith
photographer: Daniel Ray

  • Evaluate the initial audience and positioning of an existing product that was set to relaunch under the GE Sealants name.

  • Based on research and insights, the target audience shifted focus to moderate-heavy DIYers and maintenance pros.

    Although the product is relevant and appealing for both audiences, there was a lack of awareness and believability in the performance and claims.

    We needed to engage the customer while also educating them on the benefits and results of the product.

your silicone like new

your silicone like new

New Positioning:

Don’t re-do it. Just Re-New it!

A hard truth for homeowners and maintenance pros everywhere: 
Some silicone sealants just aren’t all they’re cracked up to be. As they begin to wear, tear, and show their age, they can become unsightly and ultimately open themselves up to even bigger problems like mold, rot and mildew. Historically, this has meant completely removing the aging sealant and replacing it with new sealant — an intimidating task for most homeowners and a time-consuming one for busy maintenance professionals. But today, America’s #1 Silicone Brand presents a quality, long-lasting alternative to help everyone get their sealing jobs done easier. When faced with a cracked, aging seal, DIY homeowners and time-crunched maintenance pros no longer need to completely re-do it, because they can now just simply Re-New it!

Visually, we created a unique identity for this product so that it stood out from the existing GE Silicone Sealants offering.

The aesthetic was clean, fresh, and simple to reflect the perfect seal that customers are hoping to achieve, while adding excitement through pops of red and blue, bold typography, patterns and clever animations. We carried this visual standard through all channels, including photography and video.

your silicone like new

your silicone like new

Custom Content for Each Audience:

With our insights, we developed a framework for how to market Re-New to both Pros and DIYers. Pro-targeted executions emphasized the product’s speed first and ease of use second, while DIY-targeted content focused on ease of use and beautiful, professional-quality results.

Both directions educated the audience on the types of scenarios in which the product is applicable — and particularly beneficial — to them, while also providing the reassurance that it comes from the #1 Silicone Brand.

Pro: Cartridge

Too many sealing jobs to do in too little time? Don’t re-do it. Just Re-New it!
Quickly apply over existing sealant to get jobs done.

When there’s no time to re-do it … Just Re-New it!
Quickly apply over existing sealant to get jobs done in half the time!

DIY: Squeeze Tube

Bath and kitchen sealants starting to show their age? Don’t re-do it. Re-New it!
Easily apply over existing sealant for beautiful, long-lasting results in minutes!

Why re-do it, when you can Re-New it?
Easily apply on top of old silicone sealant for professional results in minutes.

Custom Landing Pages for Each Audience

Pro-Focused Landing Page

DIY-Focused Landing Page


To amp up awareness and engage consumers, we kept a steady digital drumbeat that drove to the landing pages where they could learn more about the product.


To ensure user success and satisfaction, we helped educate both Pros and DIYers on the appropriate usage.

When and Where To Apply

How To Apply

So one more time for the cheap seats in the back …

Bath and kitchen sealants starting to show their age?

Don’t re-do it. Re-New it!
